Chase Finance, Author at Chase Finance


Christmas and the Taxman

When do employee gifts and celebrations attract fringe benefits tax (FBT)? And when are they exempt? [pdf-embedder url=””] Read more

SuperStream deadline
fast approaching

SMSF trustees must get ready to process rollovers via SuperStream by 1 October 2021. This means trustees will no longer able to send and receive paper rollover benefit statements and cheques between superannuation funds. [pdf-embedder url=””] Read more

Inheriting rental properties jointly A dilemma?

Imagine you’re lucky enough to inherit, say, four post-CGT rental properties from a deceased parent – but what happens when your sibling also inherits a half-share of these? [pdf-embedder url=””] Read more

Home as a place of business during COVID:CGT implications

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in more employees working from home than ever before. Where part of a home is being used as a business to generate assessable income, the homeowner will not be able to sell their home CGT-free. The rules for calculating a partial CGT on main residence can be difficult to apply.…  Read more

Compensation payments: Avoiding contribution issues

Superannuation fund trustees who receive compensation from financial institutions and insurance providers must consider how receipt of these payments may impact a member’s contribution caps. [pdf-embedder url=””] Read more

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